Pollo: tree view usage

Keyboard shortcuts

arrow up
Select previous node
arrow down
Select next node
move focus to the editor
Ctrl + left arrow
Ctrl + right arrow
Ctrl + Alt + left arrow
Collapse All
Ctrl + Alt + right arrow
Expand all
Space bar
Toggle collapse/expand
Ctrl + C
Copy selected node
Ctrl + X
Cut selected node
Ctrl + V
Paste (after selected node)
Moves focus from a node to the node details editor, i.e. the attribute editor or text node editor
moves focus to the 'insert after' list
moves focus to the 'insert before' list
moves focus to the 'insert inside' list

Suggestions for better keyboard shortcuts? Mail them to pollo-development@lists.sourceforge.net


The tree-view supports drag-and-drop. Nodes such as elements and comments can be dragged-and-dropped within the same file or between files. Drag-and-drop between files can be done in two ways:

If you press 'control' (before starting to drag), the dragged node will be copied instead of moved.


It is possible to execute XPath queries in Pollo. If the result of the query is a set of nodes, you can walk through them using the arrow-buttons next to the XPath field. If the result is something like a string or a number, the result is shown in a message dialog.

xpath screenshot

Pressing the question mark will give you a list of predefined XPath queries.

The most recent queries are remembered, use the drop-down button to access them.

The XPath support in Pollo uses the Jaxen library. One ideocracy of Jaxen is that for some types of queries -- especially ones like '//node-test' -- the resulting nodeset is not always sorted in document-order.


Pollo supports XML Namespaces. This means that the name of each element and attribute in the document is actually a triple, consisting of a "local name", a "namespace", and a "namespace prefix".

Pollo doesn't manage itself the relationship between namespace prefixes and namespaces, which means that you will still need to declare namespace attributes yourself.

Pollo is internally DOM-based. In the DOM each element or attribute remembers its own namespace, prefix and local name, independent of the 'xmlns' attributes that you define. This means that if you drag around nodes in a document (or between documents), to locations where namespace prefixes are bound to other namespaces, or where there is no declaration for the namespace prefix, or there is another default namespace, you may create an invalid document.

Rendering tree view to a file

You can render the tree view to a jpeg file. First select a node, and then select Tree | Render as Image in the menubar.

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