Pollo: design notes

This document contains some rough notes on Pollo's internal design.

If you are only interested in extending Pollo with some special features for editing a certain kind of XML file, then you can probably achieve that by writing plugins, a schema and a display specification. Take a look at the Cocoon view type for an example of this.

This document assumes that you are to some extent familiar with Java, Swing, XML and the Java API's for XML. It will also help if you are familiar with design patterns (such as MVC). And of course you should be familiar with Pollo.

Pollo, PolloFrame and EditorPanel

The execution of Pollo starts in the main method of the class Pollo. This class will:

A PolloFrame is a JFrame which manages a number of EditorPanel's. An EditorPanel is a JPanel providing an 'editor' for a certain file. The PolloFrame will display these EditorPanel's in different tabs, so that the user can switch between them.

An EditorPanel itself is associated with one XmlModel (described further on) and provides (actually: can provide, I only describe here the behaviour of the default implementation called EditorPanelImpl) two possible views on it: a textview and a treeview. The EditorPanel also manages the toolbar and the menubar. As the user switches between EditorPanel's with the tabs, the PolloFrame will switch the menubar and toolbar of the frame to that of the current EditorPanel.

Multiple EditorPanel's can be associated with one XmlModel (= one file). When the last EditorPanel associated with a particular XmlModel is closed, the XmlModel itself will be closed, asking if the file represented by the XmlModel needs to be saved if it was modified.


A document is at any time in one of two states:

This two representations are managed by an enclosing class, XmlModel. XmlModel also manages loading and saving of the file. When a file is initially loaded, it will by default always be in parsed mode, except if it could not be parsed, in which case it will fall back to text mode.

The Tree View (XmlEditor)

Pollo's tree view is a component implemented from scratch, it extends JComponent. The class is called XmlEditor.

XmlEditor needs the following:

The basic design is as follows. Uppon initial display (when the component gets its first paint event), a so-called view tree is build. This is a tree of view objects, these are objects that contain layout information and can paint themselves on a java.awt.Graphics object. Each of this view objects corresponds to a node in the DOM tree. For different types of DOM nodes, different types of view objects are instantiated.

After building this tree, the layout() method of the root view object is called with as parameter the available width. The root view object will then call the layout method of all its children, passing the width they can occupy as parameter. These view objects will then call the layout method recursively on their children, and so on. After the layout method returns, the caller (which is the parent view object), can call getHeight on its child(ren) to know how much space they occupy, and can thereby finish calculating its own layout, so that control returns to the layout method of its parent, and so, until we're back at the root node and the layout process has finished.

Now the paint method can be called on the root view object, passing the top and left coordinates. The root View object will then paint itself and will then recursively cause the paint methods of all the children to be called, until the whole tree is painted. Actually, not the whole tree is painted on each paint event, but only those View objects which intersect with clipping area.

During the instantiation of the view objects, each view object also registers itself with its corresonding DOM-node to listen for Mutation Events. Mutation Events are a part of the DOM specification.When a view object receives a Mutation Event from its corresponding DOM node, it will relayout and repaint itself. If nodes were inserted or removed, the parent view objects will also be (recursively) warned to grow or shrink their height.

When mouse-click events occur on the XmlEditor component, these are propagated through the view tree until they reach the view object containing the x/y location of the click event. This vew object will then fire NodeClicked-events to all registered listeners. For example, the status bar showing the currently selected node is such a listener, but there are many others. These listeners are actually registered on the XmlEditor, not on each individual view object.

Undo (parsed mode)

The Undo is simply implemented by an object registered as MutationEvent-listener on the root node of the DOM-tree, which will catch all events happening in the tree, and record them so they can be undone later.

Sometimes multiple MutationEvents form one logical user action, therefore the concept of "UndoTransactions" was introduced. See the source code ;-)


XmlEditorPanel is a panel that combines the XmlEditor tree widget with some other panels to provide full editor functionality:

Apart from the XmlModel and the DisplaySpecification that the XmlEditor requires, the XmlEditorPanel also needs a reference to an object implementing ISchema. This interface can be queried about available elements and attributes, and can be asked to validate the document.

About IDisplaySpecification and ISchema

Both the schema and display specification implementations are abstracted by an interface, so that multiple implementations can be provided. The actual implementations to use are part of the so called ViewType. ViewTypes can be configured in Pollo's configuration file, pollo_conf.xml.

Both the schema and display specifications can be chained. By this I mean that you can put multiple implementations of them after each other. For example, for the display specification, first the first display specification is asked for the color to use for an element, if that one returns null, the next one will be asked for the color, etc. until there is a display specification that has the answer. For schemas there is something similar, but instead it merges the answers from the different schemas.

View Types

A ViewType is the combination of:

Action plugins are optional, for the rest default implementations will be used if none is specified.

The text editor

The text-editor is based on the free jedit syntax package (which is an older version of the GPL jEdit editor). The text view doesn't contain much feature besides well-formedness checking. Volunteers to tackle this are welcome.


In case you would be confused about this: the schema and model packages which are currently a subpackage of the package xmleditor, should be moved one level up because they are not specific for the xmleditor, but are used or could be used by the texteditor also.

Inversion of Control violations

At some places the Pollo-class singleton instance is accessed by using a static getInstance method. This violates the so-called "inversion of control" principle, and makes reusing some parts of Pollo difficult. More specific, XmlEditorPanel uses this to get access to get configuration information and can therefore not be reused in other Swing applications withouth some hacking. This will be fixed in a future Pollo release. The XmlEditor class itself should be reusable though.


If you have questions or remarks about this text, feel free to contact me (contact information is on the home page).

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